Parking is free of charge in De Haan.
In the parking disc zone (blue zone), a parking disc is mandatory. This re-usable disc permits you free parking for 1 hour.
If you park longer than permitted, park without a disc or if you alter the time displayed on the disc without moving your vehicle, a fine of € 30,00 will be charged.
Blue Zone
- Stationsstraat
- market square along Driftweg
- on the market square in Markstraat
- Nieuwstraat (north side) from the corner of Stationsstraat till the corner of Monicastraat
- Monicastraat: 5 parking spaces on south side of Saint-Monica curch
- Markstraat (north side)
- Koninklijke Baan (N34) in front of 'Zee-Linde', 25m approx.
- Leopoldplein: 4 parking spaces in front of house number 9 and 11
- Kerkstraat, between house number 74-76/77 (Heldenplein) until the corner of de Smet de Naeyerlaan and Leopold II-laan
- Delacenseriestraat, between Kerkstraat and Zuidstraat
- Langestraat, between Kerkstraat and Jan Devosstraat
- Oostlaan, between Kerkstraat and Leopold Brionstraat
- Pauwaertstraat, between Kerkstraat and Zuidstraat
- Zuidstraat, between Delacenseriestraat and Pauwaertstraat
TEMPORARY DISC ZONE - from the 1st saturday of the Easter holiday till September 30th:
- Leopold II-laan, between Kerkstraat and Van Molstraat
- de Smet de Naeyerlaan, between Kerkstraat and Leopold Brionstraat
- Delacenseriestraat, between Zuidstraat and Leopold II laan
- Graaf Jansdijk
- south side of Zeedijk-Wenduine, between Demeyhelling and Manitobahelling, only when traffic on Zeedijk-Wenduine is permitted
- Manitobahelling
- Van Gansberghehelling